"When I first started playing guitar I marvelled at the sounds coming from recordings of Jeff Beck, Carlos Santana, Ritchie Blackmore, Jimmy Page and Andy Powell. Someone told me it was all to do with a 'fuzz box'.
I bought a Shin-ei Companion FY-2 and was disappointed as it didn’t sound like them at all only later realising that One - it was the technique of playing the guitar that created the tone and Two - usually the fuzz box was combined with a valve amplifier, usually very loud and overdriven.
'I rediscovered them in the ‘00s and have been using them ever since!' said our very own tone-aficionado, session guitarist and music producer Simon Campbell.
We love the sound of FUZZ!! So much so, we have collaborated with Dan Whitelock-Jones of DWJ Pedals in Liverpool, England to produce our very own 'Supertone Early Fuzz' model.
This one is the ‘early FUZZ’ and based on the original ToneBender used by Jimmy Page and Jimmi Hendrix, among a host of others.
Supertone Early Fuzz
- Description
"When I first started playing guitar I marvelled at the sounds coming from recordings of Jeff Beck, Carlos Santana, Ritchie Blackmore, Jimmy Page and Andy Powell. Someone told me it was all to do with a 'fuzz box'.
I bought a Shin-ei Companion FY-2 and was disappointed as it didn’t sound like them at all only later realising that One - it was the technique of playing the guitar that created the tone and Two - usually the fuzz box was combined with a valve amplifier, usually very loud and overdriven.
'I rediscovered them in the ‘00s and have been using them ever since!' said our very own tone-aficionado, session guitarist and music producer Simon Campbell.
We love the sound of FUZZ!! So much so, we have collaborated with Dan Whitelock-Jones of DWJ Pedals in Liverpool, England to produce our very own 'Supertone Early Fuzz' model.
This one is the ‘early FUZZ’ and based on the original ToneBender used by Jimmy Page and Jimmi Hendrix, among a host of others.
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