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Supertone Ultimate Booster

Supertone Ultimate Booster

"Moving on from my early fuzz disaster, I bought a Vintage Electro Harmonix LPB-1 which didn’t have a footswitch so I transplanted it into a die-cast box and added one plus a light; my first foray into custom FX!" explains producer and guitarist Simon Campbell

"Since then boosters have been a part of my pedal armoury and recently we decided to collaborate with Dan Whitelock-Jones of DWJ Pedals in Liverpool. England to produce a Supertone model.

I also asked for a variable bass cut to be added to the unit which really works and cleans up the sound when using an overdriven amp." Simon added.

Supertone Ultimate Booster


Supertone Ultimate Booster


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"Moving on from my early fuzz disaster, I bought a Vintage Electro Harmonix LPB-1 which didn’t have a footswitch so I transplanted it into a die-cast box and added one plus a light; my first foray into custom FX!" explains producer and guitarist Simon Campbell

"Since then boosters have been a part of my pedal armoury and recently we decided to collaborate with Dan Whitelock-Jones of DWJ Pedals in Liverpool. England to produce a Supertone model.

I also asked for a variable bass cut to be added to the unit which really works and cleans up the sound when using an overdriven amp." Simon added.
